Security Benefit Advisory Platform Capabilities

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The Advisory Platform is an easy yet sophisticated tool to help you manage your client portfolios. Watch this short video to learn more.


Advisory Platform

The Advisory Platform is built with you in mind. Easily manage your portfolios, fees and reports  so you can spend more time with your clients.

Access the Advisory Platform


Manage Portfolios

  • Transfer, reallocate, and set up future allocations
  • Create groups of accounts based on product and account owner asset strategies
  • With a single transaction, reallocate individual, group, or all active accounts
  • Schedule recurring reallocations
  • Build and maintain multiple asset allocation strategies
  • Create and save custom asset-based strategies as a Model Portfolio to use in multiple transactions

Manage Your Fees

Process your advisory fees* for an individual, group, or your entire block of business:

  • By percent or dollar amount
  • Deduct fees once or with a recurring frequency
  • Based on current assets or quarter-end assets
  • Deduct pro-rata or from individual funds
  • Receive fees via EFT or check

*Advisory fees you process on the Platform are based on a completed Investment Advisory Authorization form by each client for whom you process fees.


Reporting Capabilities

View these reports across your entire book of business.

  • Asset Detail (by Fund or Client Account for a selected Fund)
  • Group Detail (Client Accounts and Assets by Group)
  • Individual Detail (by Account or Funds by Account)

Advisory Platform - Financial Professionals


Services are offered through Security Distributors, a subsidiary of Security Benefit Corporation (Security Benefit). Security Benefit and its subsidiaries/affiliates are not investment advisers. 

Asset reallocations and assessing fees are executed by you based on your agreement with your clients, and such transactions are not recommended, authorized or approved by Security Benefit in any way.

SB-10009-77 | 2022/10/27